Digiskills SEO exercise 2 Batch 2.0 2022 | SEO hands on exercise 2 Batch 2.0 | Lahorititan

 Digiskills SEO exercise 2 Batch 2.0 2022 | SEO hands on exercise 2 Batch 2.0 | Lahorititan

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting this Hands-on Exercise:
 Use MS Word to prepare exercise solution.
 You may consult tutorials and videos if the concept is not clear.
 Your submitted exercise will not be considered/counted if:
 It is submitted after due date.
 It is not in the required format (.doc or .docx)
 It does not open, or file is corrupt.
 It is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)

Learning Outcome:

After completing this exercise, you shall be able to:  Utilize selected keywords in the content  Optimize the Headings  Use Keywords in the Alt tags for the images

Problem Statement

Assume, you got an SEO project from an international client. The client wants you to optimize his website. After analyzing the website, you find out that the content of the website is not optimized according to the search engine Guidelines. As an SEO specialist, you know that the content must be optimized by utilizing focused keywords. For this exercise, you need to optimize an article by adding keywords in headings, the body of the content, and Alt tags in order to learn on-page content optimization. Follow the steps mentioned below to make the website’s content SEO friendly.

Task 1:

You are required to gather information to optimize content. 1. Take an article of 100-150 words related to “Beauty Tips” keyword. 2. Make a copy of the article to keep the original article separate from the one you are going to optimize; and paste it into a Word document. 3. Shortlist 2 keywords related to “Beauty Tips” and paste them into the Word document. 4. Take 1 image relevant to “Beauty Tips” and paste it into the Word document.

Task 2:

Start optimizing the article with the data you have gathered in task 1. Follow the steps mentioned below: 1. Create the main Heading for the article using the main keyword. 2. Use the selected keywords in the article with 1% density. For example: “you are required to embed 2 selected keywords in the article. Make sure to use each keyword at least once”. 3. Create the Alt tag for the image containing your primary keyword. 4. Submit the exercise.

Note: You can follow video#64 to solve this exercise.

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