How to install Word press on Local Host 2022 | Bitnami Wordpress installation

How to install Word press on Local Host 2022 | 
Bitnami Wordpress installation

In this video I'm going to show you how to install WordPress on local host in laptop or PC, all you need to do is just follow my post.

In this post I'm going to show you installation of Bitnami Wordpress

What is Bitanmi Wordpress?

WordPress packaged by Bitnami provides a one-click install solution for WordPress. Download installers and virtual machines, or run your own wordpress server in the cloud. WordPress is one of the world's most popular web publishing platforms for building blogs and websites.

Below is the link for downloading and a complete video guide

First you need to download Wordpress setup from the following Link

CLick Here to Downlaod Bitnami WOrdpress Setup for Windows

Please watch this video to learn how to install Wordpress on local host.

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