Digiskills DSTP 2.0 Digital Marketing Exercise 1 Batch 02 solution file 2022


Digi skills DSTP 2.0 Digital Marketing Exercise 1 Batch 02 2022 LahoriTitan

Digital Marketing hands on Exercise 1 Batch 2 2022


Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting this Hands-on Exercise:

• Use MS Word to prepare exercise solution.

• You may consult tutorials and videos if the concept is not clear.

• Your submitted exercise will not be considered/counted if:

▪ It is submitted after due date.

▪ It is not in the required format (.doc or .docx)

▪ It does not open, or file is corrupt.

▪ It is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)

Learning Outcome:

After completing this exercise, you will be able to:

• Create a post using Canva tool.

• Select template for a post.

• Add background and product image on the post.

• Add headline and call to action button on the post.

Hands-on Exercise No. 1 DigiSkills.pk 2.0 Batch-02

Digital Marketing

Total Marks: 10

Due Date: 04/08/2022

Problem Statement

There are five parts of this exercise. Please complete all of them.


Minnie Minors, a kids clothing needs a freelancer to create social media posts for their brand. You are

required to create an appealing post considering the theme of the brand. The post must include a headline,

contact details like email address, website URL etc, and a call to action button.


1. Create a blank Facebook post page and select a relevant template for the post on Canva.

2. Add/change the background, headline, and contact information on the post.

3. Add at least one product image related to the brand.

4. Create a “shop now” call to action button using relevant elements.

5. Replicate the same design for a Facebook story.


• Your post should be unique and creative.

• You can use any template that suits the theme of the brand.

• Dimensions for a Facebook Post should be 940px width x 788px height.

• Dimensions for the Facebook Story should be 1080px width x 1920px height.

• Use free resources like elements, images, and background for the post.

• Use the following URL of the website https://www.minnieminors.com/.

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